“Since its creation, Les Breuvages Du Voironnais has been committed to offering exceptional products that delight the most discerning palates. Each bottle we produce is the fruit of unique expertise inherited from generations of master distillers in the Voironnais region. Our dedicated teams work with care and precision to create beverages that celebrate the riches of our terroir.
Benoît BOURET, President of the LBDV group
“Since its creation, Les Breuvages Du Voironnais has been committed to offering exceptional products that delight the most demanding palates. Each bottle we produce is the result of a unique know-how, inherited from generations of master distillers from the Voironnais region. Our dedicated teams work with care and precision to create beverages that celebrate the richness of our land.”
Benoît BOURET, President of the LBDV group
“Since its creation, Les Breuvages Du Voironnais has been committed to offering exceptional products that delight the most demanding palates. Each bottle we produce is the result of a unique know-how, inherited from generations of master distillers from the Voironnais region. Our dedicated teams work with care and precision to create beverages that celebrate the richness of our land.”
Benoît BOURET, President of the LBDV group