and drink

Growing health problems linked to sugar and, by extension, obesity, have led to a surge in markets for ingredients of natural origin. Consumers are increasingly looking for food and beverage products containing no added sugar or artificial additives.

THE aDvantages of licorice extract in the food industry

Glycyrrhizic acid (glycyrrhizin) is the active ingredient in licorice, known for its sweet taste, hence its use as a natural sweetener. Licorice provides no calories, but its sweetening power is 30 to 50 times greater than the equivalent weight of sucrose, which explains its industrial use in the food industry: sweetness without sugar. In addition, the presence of maltol in licorice gives it the characteristics of a natural flavor enhancer, making it possible to reinforce the flavor and/or aroma of a food. The addition of licorice (in extract or other derived forms) in food applications thus enhances the flavor of foods by increasing flavour intensity and perception.

By using licorice extracts in their food production, the food industry can limit its use of chemical additives. Using a natural food additive, enables the industry  to limit its use of food additives and the inevitable E number listings (glutamate, lactic acid, etc.).

uSes of licorice extract in the food industry

Confectionery, ice cream and sorbets

Licorice is widely used in the manufacture of candy and chewing gum for its characteristic sweet taste, and is also used in the ice-cream industry.

Alcool réglisse

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

Licorice extracts can be found in a number of beverages, including soft drinks, carbonated drinks and syrups, specialty beers, still wines, spirits and liqueurs, as well as in alcoholic beverages containing licorice extracts, such as “aniseed-flavored” drinks like pastis, ouzo and raki.

The pet food industry

The petfood industry also uses the natural benefits of licorice extracts in the manufacture of animal feed (cattle, sheep, pets) to improve the flavor, odor and palatability of the food to increase its assimilation by the animal.

The chocolate industry

To limit the calorie content of their products, chocolate manufacturers also make use of licorice's “0-calorie” properties, by adding licorice powder, to chocolate preparations (chocolate bonbons, chocolate coatings, spreads).

Discover other uses in cosmetic and pharmacy