A natural sweetener,
50 times sweeter than sucrose (sugar)

Sweeteners are sugar replacements. Different types of sweeteners may be natural or artificial.
Licorice is considered a natural sweetener because its main active component, glycyrrhizin, has a sweetening power that is significantly higher than that of sugar (sucrose).

Why is licorice used
as a natural sweetener?

High sweetening power.

One of the glycosides in licorice, glycyrrhizin, is 50 to 170 times sweeter than sucrose. Thanks to this intense sweetness, it is possible to use licorice in small quantities in order to obtain the desired sweetness.
Its use permits the claim of zero sugar and zero calories.

According to European legislation, a calorie-free drink can be qualified as “0” when the quantity of calories is less than 4 kcal per 100 ml or 10 kcal per 250 ml glass.

A low GI

Glycyrrhizin has a low impact on blood sugar, so it has a very low GI, which can be beneficial for people looking to control their blood sugar levels, mainly athletes or people suffering from  problems such as diabetes. Licorice root is therefore an alternative to fight against diabetes and therefore has anti-diabetic properties. Glycyrrhizin helps the metabolism not to increase the accumulation of fat in the liver and therefore to improve insulin resistance.

bâton de réglisse

Organoleptic richness

In addition to its sweetness, licorice adds a characteristic flavor that can be enjoyed in various food products and drinks. Historically, licorice has been used in confectionery, beverages, and pharmaceutical products for its sweetness and aromatic properties.


Glycyrrhizin is heat stable and can be used in products that require cooking or pasteurization.

What are the benefits of licorice as a natural sweetener compared to artificial sweeteners?

- Natural and non-synthetic: Licorice is considered by consumers to be a healthier and more natural alternative to artificial sweeteners as a natural product. Many food products contain artificial sweeteners.

- Compatible with diets: licorice is compatible with various diets, including vegetarian and vegan diets, and can be used in formulations without added sugar.

différents types de sucre

What are the benefits of licorice as a natural sweetener compared to other natural sweeteners?

As a natural sweetener, licorice has several distinct advantages over other natural sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, agave, stevia or xylitol.

- 0 sugar and 0 calories: Unlike Stevia rebaudiana or agave syrup, both natural sweeteners containing as many calories as sugar, licorice is almost devoid of them. For example, Antésite, LBDV's iconic licorices-based brand,  has nutritional values qualified as 0 according to European regulations: a 1 ml measure of Antésite per 200 ml glass represents 0.13 kcal. For comparison, a Cola qualified as 0 (a 250 ml glass) contains 1 calorie.

- Compared to Stevia: although stevia also has high sweetening power, it can have a bitter aftertaste that licorice does not have.

- Compared to Xylitol: xylitol, a frequently used natural sweetener, can cause digestive problems at high doses, unlike licorice (when used moderately).

- Compared to honey and maple syrup : these sweeteners contain simple sugars (glucose and fructose) and have a higher glycemic index than glycyrrhizin, and are also more calorific.

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